In today’s program, Tom explains how deeding your home to your children during your lifetime can end up costing your children a 20% Capital Gains tax when your home is sold.
Ever wondered if Santa's sleigh full of gifts comes with a side of IRS paperwork? In this festive and thought-provoking episode, we explore whether the jolly old elf is subject to gift taxes.
When managing an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT), one critical yet often overlooked step is sending Crummey letters to the beneficiaries. Have you sent yours?
Did you know that putting your home in a trust can impact your homeowner's insurance? In our latest episode, we dive into the crucial question: Does your insurer know your home is in your trust? Tune in to Episode 309 …
In today's fast-evolving financial landscape, understanding tax reporting for digital assets is crucial. Tune into our latest podcast episode for information on your tax reporting obligations. #DigitalAssets #Finance #Podcast
Understanding the implications of the increased federal estate tax and gift exemptions is crucial for effective estate planning. Join the conversation on how these changes can affect your financial future.
Did you know? Removing your home from your trust might be necessary for Medicaid eligibility in Michigan. Listen to our latest episode for essential tips! #Medicaid #Michigan
Be sure you understand how Michigan's new Uniform Power of Attorney Act, that went into effect on July 1, might require you to replace your current Power of Attorney.
In the realm of estate planning, a Last Will and Testament, commonly known as a Will, is often seen as the cornerstone document. However, there's a common misconception that having a Will in place means your assets won't have to …
Learn more about the importance of MiABLE accounts for special needs children!
Understanding the different types of Special Needs Trusts is essential for families and caregivers to make informed decisions about their loved one's future financial planning.
In today's episode Tom discusses some the reasons that you might consider using a professional trustee.
Discover what a Trusteed IRA is, and why it may be the better choice for you!
If you are considering a reverse mortgage, don't be fooled by these 6 reverse mortgage myths.
If you are considering naming minor children as primary or contingent beneficiaries on your IRA or 401(k), be sure you understand what will happen upon your death.
Enjoy our 8th anniversary podcast in which Tom plays the very 1st podcast from February 23, 2016 "What Is An Estate Plan".
Have you moved since you estate plan was prepared? Finld out if you need to update your documents to reflect your new address.
The Michigan Department of Treasury has millions of dollars in lost or forgotten assets from dormant bank accounts, uncashed checks, valuables left in safe deposit boxes and stock certificates. Celebrate National Unclaimed Proprty Day by finding out...
Check out this new Tuesday with Tom episode where he discusses whether you should name your children as 'joint' or 'co' successor trustees. It's an informative conversation about estate planning in Michigan!
Did you know that in 2026 most American’s will see their taxes increase due to the expiration of Trump’s tax cuts? Tom discusses the pending changes that might increase you taxes, and what you might be able to do now …
To begin the new year, Tom reviews many of the 2024 changes relevant to estate planning and settlement, including Estate and Gift Taxes, Retirement contribution amounts, 529 Plans and Michigan Durable Powers of Attorney.
If you have been appointed as financial and/or medical power of attorney, be sure you understand the limits on your authority.
A witness can serve an important function in the execution of your Durable Power of Attorney. Be sure you understand the execution and witnessing requirement for your Durable Power of Attorney.